Understanding Finances for Non-Profits and Small Businesses


This course is designed for non-profit leaders/staff and small business owners who want to build a strong foundation in financial management. Covering essential financial topics, the course equips participants with the knowledge to promote accountability, develop and monitor budgets, and effectively collaborate with finance teams, including board members and external partners. Participants will learn to interpret and analyze financial statements, implement robust documentation practices, and comply with key reporting requirements. Through practical exercises, you’ll gain insights into budgeting strategies, cash flow management, and annual financial planning, ultimately supporting informed decision-making and long-term fiscal sustainability.

Course name: Understanding Finances for Non-Profits and Small Businesses

Date and location: February 5 / In Person / Whitehorse/Ayamdigut Campus / 9-4:30 pm 

Fee: $299 + GST 

How to register: Contact Office of the Registrar at 867 668 8710 ext. 2 and by emailing registrations@yukonu.ca

Find out more: ce@yukonu.ca

Ayamdigut/Whitehorse Yukon University Campus
500 University st, Whitehorse, Y1A3K6, Canada (Whitehorse, YT) [ view map ]
Yukon University - Continuing Education & Training
Paid Training
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