Leading Through Fatigue, Complexity and Uncertainty


Leading Through Fatigue, Complexity and Uncertainty

September 18, 2024 | CRN 90581 | 10 - 11:30am | FREE  |  Livestreamed
Instructor: Nicole Morgan
Registration deadline is September 13, 2024.

Feeling drained and facing high expectations? Leaders today grapple with uncertainty, complexity, and the demand to do more with less. Common challenges include change fatigue, managing conflicts, burnout, and fostering an innovative work culture.

Join our workshop to explore a whole-brain approach to leadership, enhancing your ability to achieve peak performance. Discover how to embrace diverse thinking, emotional intelligence, and mental resilience. Learn how optimism and resilience can help you and your team thrive and achieve your goals.

Registration options:

Contact Registrations & Records at 867 668 8710 ext. 2 and quote the CRN Register by emailing registrations@yukonu.ca

Find out more: 867 456 8589 or nisj@yukonu.ca

Yukon University - Northern Institute of Social Justice (NISJ)
Contact Info:
Northern Institute of Social Justice
867-456-8589 | nisj@yukonu.ca
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How to Register:
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